
Reasons Why You Should Hire a Tenant Lawyer

When it comes to renting out a property, landlords need to stay up-to-date with all the legalities involved. For example, landlords are required by law to give tenants a copy of the lease agreement before they move in. They also have rights and responsibilities, such as providing tenants with heating oil during periods of cold weather or paying for repairs if the tenant caused damage to the property. Furthermore, it is important for landlords to know what types of leases exist and that there are many documents that can be used for different purposes throughout this process. Furthermore, there will always be a situation where a landlord needs assistance from an attorney and it is advisable that they use one at each step along their leasing process. Here are some roles of a tenant lawyer.

  1. Helps in Eviction Process

One of the most important reasons as to why you should hire a tenant lawyer is that they can assist in the eviction process. This is usually done by bringing your case to court when an eviction notice has been served. Once your case goes to court, you need to be prepared for a fight if your tenant decides to retain their tenancy and do not want to leave. The main reason for fighting and retaining their tenancy is that this gives them more time in the property, so that they can find another renter. On the other hand, if you decide on taking this route, then it is advised that you hire a lawyer as well because fighting a case in court can be very costly.

  1. Helps in Creating and Signing Leases

One of the most important tasks that any tenant lawyer can do is to help with the creation and signing of leases. A lease agreement is very important when it comes to renting a property because it helps both parties know what the rights and responsibilities are. It also allows you to protect yourself with the clauses that you are entitled to in case they break any specific rules laid out in their lease agreement. This prevents them from having a hold on your property should they decide to break the terms laid out in their lease agreement.

  1. Helps You With Security Deposits

Another important task that a tenant lawyer does is help with security deposits as well as protection deposits. Security deposits are usually given to tenants in case there is damage or any breaking of the terms of their lease agreement. Protection deposits are given to the tenant so that they are ready for any additional damages that may occur. When you have a security deposit, you have the right to keep this money until it has been fully used or until the tenant leaves your property.

To conclude, it is important that you hire a tenant lawyer at each step of your tenancy. This will ensure that their services bring you the help that is required to make sure that your tenancy goes as smoothly as possible. For example, maybe at one point during the tenancy, your tenant damages the property more than normal. If you decide to fight this in court and if they were to win then you would be locked out of the property because of this decision. However, if they used a tenant lawyer then they can help you defend against such claims in court which means that the judge might rule in their favour which will allow you back into your property.